Clifford Gouldson Lawyers’ Brisbane office grew out of a need to broaden our footprint for clients that operate in Queensland’s capital city and to provide an office location for our growing team of part-time and full-time Brisbane-based employees.
Our Brisbane office also gives us a base of operations for conducting significant litigation matters in Queensland’s higher courts.
Our Directors, Management team and other members of the firm visit our Brisbane office regularly and we have permanent representatives from the Workplace team onsite.
All of our legal service offerings are available to Brisbane-based clients via a combination of onsite, online and telephone options to conduct your legal matter.
We are a market leader in offering regular legal education opportunities to our clients and referrers via brief legal alerts and events held in each office and online. Email to join our event and legal news mailing list.
Please contact our Brisbane office if you have a matter we can assist you with.
Level 5, 231 George Street,
Brisbane Q 4000
PO Box 12802 George Street,
Brisbane Q 4003
Phone 07 3130 2080
Fax 07 4688 2199
CG Law acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which our Brisbane office is located being the Turrbal people.